在日常生活中,吸烟的危害如影随形,时刻威胁着人们的健康。那袅袅升起的烟雾中,隐藏着诸多致病因子,而尼古丁作为香烟的关键成分,更是备受瞩目。你是否想过,它在进入人体后,会在我们的肠道深处悄然引发怎样的“蝴蝶效应”呢?近期Elife的一项重磅研究Nico ...
What made you think this was a case of mistaken identity? TW: For the last 17 years, the intestinal stem cell field has assumed that Lgr5, a protein on the cell's surface, is a specific marker for ...
2) develop an array of specific inhibitors targeting STAT5 aberrant activation, and natural steroids mimicking STAT5 inhibitors but less toxicity to test whether they can impair Lgr5 cancer stem cell ...