The story of The Lion King roars into life every evening at the Lyceum Theatre, using spectacular masks, puppets, and costumes to tell the story of Simba's epic adventures, as he struggles with the ...
Imagine stepping into an iconic London landmark, only to come face to face with the awe-inspiring masks of Mufasa, Simba, or ...
Disney’s The Lion King is marking two major milestones in its West End run with a free pop-up exhibition at Battersea Power Station. The production, currently in its 26th year, will celebrate its ...
The Epcot International Festival of the Arts is underway, and with it is a new offering, “Once Upon a Stage: 30 Years of ...
Mandarin and Portuguese), there are currently eight productions of The Lion King around the world: Broadway, Toronto, London, Paris, Hamburg, Madrid, Tokyo and on tour across North America.