The chameleon, a lizard known for its color-changing skin, is the inspiration behind a new electromagnetic material that ...
An angry chameleon may exhibit yellow, because the yellow cells have fully expanded, thus blocking off all blue-reflected light from below. Other lizards, like the green anole, can also change color.
Scientists recently have made important discoveries about chameleon physiology by watching the lizards in captivity. Their future in the wild, meanwhile, is far from certain. In Afrikaans ...
The largest chameleon is the Parson’s chameleon which can reach up to 68cm. These enormous lizards have ridges running from above the eyes to the nose forming two warty horns. 5. Chameleons have ...
One lizard that can do something very special is the chameleon. It is able to change the colour of its skin to match the leaves or stones around it. This makes them hard to see as they are ...
The veiled chameleon can live for eight years and grow to be 22 inches long. These small lizards will certainly add beauty to a terrarium, but they aren’t as active as leopard geckos or skinks.
Even the best zoos in the world have a hard time looking after many kinds of lizard. If the zoo keepers find it hard, think what a pet owner can do at home. Chameleons have become popular in pet ...