In recent years, the deep-sea giant isopod has also become a seafood delicacy in Vietnam, where it was discovered ...
Scientists have discovered a new species of crustacean after examining samples purchased from Vietnamese fishermen. Because ...
A new regulation on catchable lobster size could significantly reduce lobster hauls this summer and lobstermen are fighting ...
Meant as a sustainability measure, the new regulations would increase the minimum size of a catchable lobster. Fishermen ...
The new species has been named Bathynomus vaderi, as its head resembles the distinctive helmet of Darth Vader from “Star Wars ...
They uncovered a species of the lobster-like crustacean that is completely new to science. This species is called the dusty crayfish (Cherax pulverulentus) and is described in a study published ...
North Atlantic right whales should live well past 100 years, but threats to the endangered species, including from commercial crab and lobster fishing, have cut their lifespan to a fraction of ...
MAINE, USA — The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has withdrawn a proposed regulation intended to protect the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale from vessel strikes ...