中国MES软件行业竞争格局较为分散,主要由宝信软件、用友网络、金蝶软件等本土龙头企业主导。宝信软件专注于钢铁、冶金等行业,用友和金蝶则提供跨行业的MES解决方案。与此同时,能科科技、赛意信息等新兴企业在制造业和中小企业市场崭露头角。随着智能制造和工业 ...
2024年中国MES软件行业市场规模将超过65亿元 MES(Manufacturing Execution System),即制造执行系统,位于上层计划管理系统与底层工业控制之间的、面向车间 ...
Manufacturing execution system software, when implemented correctly, can highlight the biggest problem areas in the factory ...
You note that the future of manufacturing is those who understand and can manage MOM and MES. Is MOM/MES the standard system of the future, and how is it better than other operations methodologies?
Critical Manufacturing reports that it has been named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Manufacturing Execution ...