Water gets pushed down, bottle flies up. Done? Oh no! The first step into more sophistication is the aerodynamics. But honestly, if you make something vaguely rocket-shaped with fins, it’ll ...
Look for air bubbles in the water when you pump. If no, make sure the valve can open to let air through from the pump. It may be damaged or screwed shut. If the rocket does fly but not very well ...
Water rockets are plenty of fun, but they can be even more fun if you go wild with the engineering. [The Q] is one such experimenter, who built a dual-thrust water rocket that even has a parachute ...
Try experimenting yourself with different volumes of water. Attach one end of the ... so we've got to do this outside and make sure that the rockets are angled away from everyone.
Science: Chinese astronauts claim have successfully developed artificial photosynthesis technology in orbit for the first ...
Astronauts on China's Tiangong space station successfully produce oxygen and rocket fuel using artificial photosynthesis, ...
Winnie Yan, a Form Five student from Chan Shu Kui Memorial School, exhibited a water rocket she made with her team at the fair. Chiu Cheung-ki, director of the Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools ...
Astronauts on board China's Tiangong space station have created rocket fuel and oxygen from water and carbon dioxide ... antibacterial agent or precursor to making sugars, Interesting Engineering ...
On Wednesday, 15th June the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the UKs National Measurement Institute, successfully launched the world’s largest water rocket. Water rockets are created from ...