British satirical comedy show The Mash Report once did a hilarious skit about why you should never ask a man what he’s thinking. You’ll find the clip a little further down. Basically, in the fake news ...
Over the past three decades working as a sex therapist with over 2,500 individuals and couples, I’m consistently struck by how differently women and men think. I don’t know if it’s nature or ...
But most women tend to misunderstand men’s erections. Many if not most women think of a man’s erection as something that has to be “dealt with” in some fashion. She assumes that if her ...
It’s widely assumed that men think about sex more than women do, but in studies, the differences are fairly small (and men also thought about other basic human needs, like food, more often than ...
“It’s the same with penises.” Muir, a consultant urologist, has spent a large part of his career thinking about men’s genitals. After graduating with a degree in medicine from the ...