Metastable epialleles are alleles that are variably expressed in genetically identical individuals due to epigenetic modifications established during early development and are thought to be ...
地震是滑坡灾害最主要的触发因素之一,尤其在我国青藏高原及周缘地区,新构造运动强烈,地震活动频繁,地震诱发滑坡灾害尤为显著。如2008年汶川地震,诱发了多达6万余处滑坡,滑坡造成的死亡人数约占地震总死亡人数的三分之一。研究团队以基础科学研究为抓手,紧密 ...
Called metastable, these states are an exciting and largely unexplored phenomenon in materials science, and they could find application in information storage and processing. The team of ...
After the pulse, the material is caught in an exotic state outside of equilibrium, or stability. Called metastable, these states are an exciting and largely unexplored phenomenon in materials science, ...
The demonstration that the native state of a long lived protease is less stable than a partially folded 'molten globule' like state shatters long standing preconceptions about protein folding. Fig ...
By applying intense pulses of terahertz-frequency light to this material, they were able to control this transition, placing the material in a metastable magnetic state that lasts for more than 2.5 ...
After the pulse, the material is caught in an exotic state outside of equilibrium, or stability. Called metastable, these states are an exciting and largely unexplored phenomenon in materials science, ...