Recent studies have shown that most, if not all patients with myeloma, have a preceding monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance phase (MGUS). 1, 2 In this study, we derived and ...
Were assigned male at birth. Were exposed to pesticides. We do not know what causes MGUS. There may be a link to autoimmune diseases, genetics, or environmental factors. Like multiple myeloma, MGUS ...
Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon cancer of plasma cells, where excessive proliferation of these malignant cells within the bone marrow leads to abnormal antibody production. The disease ...
We also know that multiple myeloma is more common in patients with the precursor conditions, including monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance or MGUS, or a term called smoldering ...
These investigators used propensity-score matching and found that, given proper medical care, Blacks and Whites with multiple myeloma have ... in people with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined ...