近期,微软的Microsoft Rewards用户遭遇了一场突如其来的账号封禁风波,引发了广泛关注和讨论。多名用户反馈称,当他们试图领取奖励积分时,系统却提示其因“违反服务协议”被封禁,并声称他们“采用欺骗手段获取积分”。有用户在官方平台曝光自己的遭遇表示,自己仅在PC上玩了15分钟游戏后,就发现账号被封禁,令他感到极为困惑和无奈。
2025年1月4日,微软公司宣布,他们已对部分Microsoft Rewards用户的错误封禁事件进行了修复,并且数以千计的用户账号将重新获得访问权限。此前,有多名用户反映在尝试领取积分奖励时,发现自己的账号遭到封禁,理由是“违反服务协议”。这一事件引发了用户的广泛关注和讨论,一时间,社交媒体上对于微软处理此事的效率和透明度产生了不同的观点。 微软表示,被封禁的账号被认为涉及“使用欺骗性做法来获得 ...
GameRant on MSN7 天
Rewards Hunter Is Retiring
The Rewards Hunter who helped numerous players make the most of the Microsoft Rewards program reveals that he's retiring.
Microsoft Rewards算是一种使用微软产品完成一些任务给你的积分,目前本人探究到的获取方法有两种,使用必应搜索、游玩同平台Xbox游玩游戏。
近日,微软针对Microsoft Rewards积分冻结问题发布了官方声明。这一问题引起了用户的广泛关注,因为许多用户表示他们没有违反任何规定却遭到了账户的冻结。 根据用户的报告,微软积分账户被冻结的情况已经发生。在发布的冻结通知中,微软指控这些用户违反 ...
近期,有关Microsoft Rewards奖励账号遭遇封禁的报道引起了广泛关注。据报道,多名用户在1月4日发现自己的账号被微软封锁,理由是指控他们“违反 ...
The Bing platform effectively removed the Microsoft Rewards module on iOS devices, including iPhones, and iPads.
To earn Microsoft Rewards points, you'll want to engage in the following activities on a regular basis: Use Bing for searches. Each search earns 5 points, and you can earn up to 150 points this ...
MICROSOFT Rewards is a great perk that Xbox and Windows PC players have been taking advantage of for years. Every time you purchase a game, play Xbox Game Pass games, earn achievements and more ...
Microsoft Rewards acknowledged and fixed suspensions. Accounts wrongfully flagged for suspension had points restored after fix. Some users still had issues, needing to restart devices for accounts ...
However, things have changed with Microsoft Rewards a lot over the past couple of years, and a recent overhaul to the Xbox Game Pass Quests system has led to the owner of the Rewards Hunter channel ...