Did you know that you have a second genome? Small cellular organelles called mitochondria contain their own circular DNA. What happens to your cells when this DNA mutates?
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is actively removed during spermatogenesis in a conserved process that enforces the uniparental ...
But why is leaf color in Mirabilis determined by only one parent—in this case, the maternal ... Mitochondria also contain DNA, and they show similar patterns of uniparental and biparental ...
When this gene was removed, the paternal mitochondria persisted, resulting in increased embryo mortality. “This provides evidence that persistence of paternal mitochondria compromises animal ...
which mediates the exchange of maternal nutrients and fetal waste products by using samples donated by women with healthy pregnancies and women who experienced complications like preeclampsia. “These ...
One theory for this holds that paternal mitochondria are simply diluted by the vastly more abundant maternal ones, but another suggests that they are actively eliminated by the egg. About a decade ...