我阅读比较多的国外物理类教材,首推Young & Freedman的University Physics: with Modern Physics。 最新版(SI单位版)出版于2020年,第15版。这本书的前身实际上是Sears和Zemanski合著的,作者退休或者去世之后由卡耐基-梅隆大学的Hugh Young(1930-2013)加州大学Santa ...
Special theory of relativity, experimental basis of quantum theory, structure of the atom, wave properties of matter, quantum theory, hydrogen atom, atomic nucleus, nuclear interactions and ...
Modern physics(Phys 2130/2170), is the third semester in our three-semester sequence of introductory physics courses. It comes in two flavors at CU: a course for ...
Galileo Galilei was the founder of modern physics. To assess such a claim requires that we make a giant leap of the imagination to transport us to a state of ignorance about even the most ...
Physics majors are encouraged to work in a research laboratory. Such experience is especially useful if you want to pursue a career in science or engineering. Involvement in laboratory experimentation ...