Princess Aiko, the 22-year-old daughter of Emperor Naruhito, faces a life wedded to public duty - but, as current laws stand, she'll never be able to take to the country's Chrysanthemum Throne.
The Japanese imperial family is considered to be the world's oldest monarchy, with an unbroken line of male succession that can be traced back two millennia. Mythology, recognised by the Imperial ...
Japan’s imperial family made an Instagram ... respond to disinformation but concerns over how the world’s oldest monarchy can be friendly without losing its nobility or avoid blowups remain.
If only men are allowed to inherit the throne, then the monarchy does not represent all Japanese people. The concept of a monarchy is already considered archaic and outdated by many around the world.
When Japan's Emperor Naruhito ascended the Chrysanthemum ... Five years later, the world's oldest continuing monarchy is grappling with a question as old as monarchy itself: succession.
From the 1870s through the 1920s, Japan underwent rapid and widespread modernization and nation-building. In the Meiji period, Japanese leaders looked to European models of constitutional monarchy, ...
Japan claims to have the world's oldest continuing monarchy. According to legends, the royal family are descendants of the sun goddess Amaterasu. Until the end of World War Two, emperors were seen ...
The monarchy is closely entwined with Shintoism, the traditional religion of Japan, which places huge emphasis on ritual. The emperor is expected to perform those regular religious ceremonies.
TOKYO — Japan's beloved former Emperor Akihito marked his 91st birthday on Monday, as he continues to pursue his lifetime research into goby fish, care for his wife and pray for peace.
Pavin, who lives in Japan, said Facebook had bowed to the military ... including insults to the monarchy. On Aug. 10, he gave Facebook 15 days to comply with court takedown orders or face charges ...