This guide is intended as a brief overview guiding you through steps of generating an assembly from single molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing using Oxford Nanopore, from initial sample preparation .
Now the company is working to prove that its technology can be widely useful in a market for high-speed DNA sequencers currently ... unlock new ways to summon all the world’s knowledge.
Paired-end stranded RNA-seq data will yield the best results, although unstranded and/or single ended reads can also be used. Funannotate can also handle long-read RNA-seq data from PacBio or nanopore ...
I don’t think proteomics will win over genomics," Sanghera said. "They go hand-in-glove. We’ve been overly focused [on genomics], and now we’re going to see an emergence of proteomics. And when the ...
Abstract: Nanopore-based direct detection of single proteins represents a highly promising, yet complex, area of research, primarily due to the rapid translocation of proteins, which significantly ...
Methods We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of AFB smear, culture, Xpert MTB/RIF and nanopore sequencing to evaluate their ...
Its nanopore sequencers could be used in everything from food safety to cancer cures and pandemic prevention. Xinhua's Miao Xiaojuan and British life science expert Andrew Hutchins meet the young ...
including NGS sequencers, liquid handling robotics, bioinformatics tools and ICT. Currently we operate four Illumina sequencing platforms: NextSeq500, HiSeq2500, MiSeq and MiniSeq. In addition, we ...