Malta is home to some of the oldest and arguably most mysterious megalithic structures known to man, older than the Pyramids and Stonehenge.
One of Britain's most ancient relics, the mystery of Arthur's Stone has perplexed humans across the ages-that is, until now.
The sites include Wuwangdun Tomb, Xiatang Neolithic site, Dadong Paleolithic site, Siwa site, Zhouyuan site, and Jingdezhen ceramic sites across various Chinese provinces.
We’re all familiar with Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids of Giza, but did you know that Skara Brae is older than both?
One of the greatest architectural achievement of Scotland's Neolithic builders has to be the 5000 year old chambered tomb of Maes Howe in Orkney. The builders of the chambered cairn known as Maes Howe ...
They began to set up farms. These farms marked the start of a new age in Britain – the Neolithic period (or new Stone Age): As well as setting up farms and permanent homes, they also built ...
Stand at “the Ness” today and several iconic Stone Age structures are within easy view, forming the core of a World Heritage site called the Heart of Neolithic Orkney. On a heather-clad knoll ...
The earliest farmers in France knew a thing or two about scouting a location for a room with a view. The evidence: a recent discovery of a home from one of France’s first Neolithic settlements, which ...
While this means a greater risk of breaking, the team discovered that this was compensated for by shaping the stones so they locked into a very stable overall structure. Neolithic people would ...
The decorative artifacts date to around 2900 B.C.E., during the Neolithic period. Now, researchers have proposed a theory about the plaques’ origins: They suspect Neolithic farmers may have ...