About two-thirds of diabetics deal with mild to severe forms of nerve damage, which can be the first signs of the disease. The symptoms include ... the inside of the ankle. Sciatica or herniated ...
The pressure impairs nerve function, leading to pain and numbness in the affected area. Patients typically develop a pinched nerve as a result of an injury or from stress on a nerve due to ...
There is no single classification system that can describe all the many variations of nerve injury. Most systems attempt to correlate the degree of injury with symptoms, pathology and prognosis.[ ...
In summary, preventing diabetic neuropathy involves a combination of good blood sugar control, regular exercise, a healthy ...
The sciatic nerve is stimulated at the ankle (upper trace) and at the knee (lower trace). Compound muscle action potentials are recorded from plantar muscle. Typical nerve conduction abnormalities ...
Review of the literature on relevant injection procedure found that injury ... and nerve exploration but no repair in 1 case. Late-stage functional reconstruction of the foot and ankle was ...
The most accessible sensory nerve for biopsy is the sural nerve located behind the ankle. The procedure involves injection of a local anesthetic in the area to be biopsied. An incision about two ...