Rinaldi, the author of “New York Neon,” who has been tracking the disappearance of the city’s neon signage since 2006. “This year, it’s the real iconic signs that are biting the dust.” ...
New Yorkers took to social media to mourn the impending neon loss — with some raising concerns that the change will alter the character of 30 Rock. “@NYCLandmarks voted 7 to 1 to replace ...
Neon is being stripped away from big showplaces as well. The New Amsterdam ... It’s not a giant like the Pepsi-Cola sign in Long Island City. Why care, why bother? Let them go.
Some say that Times Square is like a five-block metaphor for New York City itself – it's exciting ... you should at least catch a glimpse of its neon lights. Most travelers recommend visiting ...
This design studio can make it happen. Since 1972, the artisans at this modest warehouse have been crafting neon signs and other glowing accents, like curvaceous Marilyn Monroe silhouettes and ...