Let me back up and explain. Ornamental pear trees (many of you call them Bradford pears) have one of the worst branching habits of any tree ever released in the trade. This tree has a number of ...
"Downsides? Everything." Homeowner met with urgent warnings after sharing photo of tree in their yard: 'Get rid of it' first ...
Putting all that aside, the article did start a conversation on this blog and on Facebook, and got people thinking about trees and how important they are to our world. Ornamental pear, Pyrus ...
The best time to plant bare-root fruit trees like apples is towards the end of winter or the first half of spring, once the ground is no longer frozen so it can be easily dug, ...
Fire blight infects ornamental fruit trees such as this callery pear, a popular landscape tree. Symptoms include cankers on branches, wilted shoots and blacked leaves, which give trees a “scorched” ...