How you can reduce that environmental poo-print without adding more plastic to the planet. Read more at
MyEcoWorld® available in 59 Tops Friendly Markets by end of February 2025Expansion into grocery is a significant milestone ...
If you wish to include branches in the compost, cut them into small pieces. Pet waste should also not be placed in the composter, as it may contain pathogens and parasites harmful to our health.
Compost can be made in a number of ways ... Don't forget you can use kitchen waste and small-pet litter (hamster and gerbil - not cat and dog litter!) Micro-organisms (bacteria and fungi) either ...
Begin in spring to have compost by autumn ... 2 Fill the bin with dead leaves, green waste from the garden, old plants you've pulled out, the contents of their pet hamster, gerbil or bird cage ...
Materials not to compost. Although most organic waste is suitable for bokashi composting, don’t add moldy food, pet waste, or excessive amounts of liquid or oil to your bokashi composter.