We love the look of this papercraft piano which [Catarina] built along with some friends at NYC Resistor, a hackerspace in the big apple. It starts off as a cubic black box with a white top.
Consisting of acoustic piano and synthesizers, the recording is Bley’s first electro-acoustic album in twenty years, and is every bit as brilliantly original as we have come to expect from this great ...
NAMM 2025: It might be an ‘organ first’ instrument - the front and centre positioning of the drawbars tells you that - but with piano, synth, string, brass, guitar and percussion sounds built in as ...
With piano, synth and keyboard chains, we can be a bit more ambitious with the creative effects. That said, our mixing chain still needs core EQ and compression plugins. Typically, these play a ...
Ah yes, the 555 piano project. Be it the Atari Punk Console, or some other 555 based synthesizer, Hackers just love to hear what the 555 can do when attached to a few passives and a speaker.