This movie centers around the new pokémon Celebi, a one-of-a-kind veggie-like bug whose only kin are celebi from other points in time. The movie begins in the past where a young boy named Sam ...
Pokémon 4Ever (movie 4): ADR Director (Spain dub), ADR Script (Spain dub) Pokémon Advance (TV): ADR Director (Spain dub), ADR Script (Spain dub) Pokémon Chronicles (TV): ADR Director (Spain dub ...
For fans who want to relive the old days or newcomers who want to know where to start, there's still a truly tremendous back catalogue of Pokémon shows and movies to watch. With so much to dive ...
Follow them both in Pokémon the Movie: Black - Victini and Reshiram and Pokémon the Movie: White - Victini and Zekrom! It’s twice the Pokémon adventure!
The Pokémon franchise is well-known for their spectacular role-playing games, with deep storytelling and stellar gameplay. These games have evolved into many animated TV shows and movies ...