Keeping plants safe during winter needn't be expensive. There are several cost-effective and cheap ways to protect plants ...
If you didn't take steps before the cold weather to protect your plants, there are still things you can do to bring back some ...
The colder weather has officially set in, and we're all looking for ways to protect our gardens. Completing three simple ...
Mulch around the base with composted bark, well-rotted compost or manure to insulate the roots to encourage strong regrowth ...
Frost heaving can leave roots partially exposed, and boughs help keep the soil cold once it has frozen, breaking the ...
During the winter season, you may be thinking about how to keep yourself and your pets warm, but our plants may be ...
Gardening tips from Clemson Cooperative Extension for protecting plants during cold snaps and freezing temperatures, which ...
A gardening expert has shared a simple tip that will help to protect your plants in the cold weather, and it works a treat.
With the cold weather approaching us, bundling up may be on your mind. Plans for protecting your plants should be too.
Want to protect your plants from the bitter cold? Here are some ways to beat the freeze and keep your garden green.
A frost advisory was issued by the NWS San Diego CA on Monday at 2:11 a.m. valid for Tuesday between midnight and 9 a.m.
Frost advisories are issued from May to October (but can be extended if necessary) when temperatures, winds, and sky cover ...