This column describes indications, preparation and techniques for contrast radiography in fish. Before the fish is brought into the radiography suite, the room should be prepared. The X-ray ...
Skoltech researchers and their colleagues have synthesized and tested protein-polymer microbubbles for use in medical ...
the wide dynamic exposure range of digital radiographic receptors, can cause unnecessary patient exposure. This is the characteristic that makes it possible to produce images that ‘look good’ and have ...
ISMP has learned of another challenge in this area with intravenous radiographic contrast media, a medication that is easy to overlook because the product is often not dispensed for individual ...
The higher exposure, compared to other radiographic procedures, is because the breast is composed of soft tissue (no bones or air) and has very low contrast. More radiation is required to produce ...
Gadoquatrane, a contrast agent Bayer is developing for use in MRI scans, like those done in MS, uses 60% less gadolinium and ...