The upcoming Mufasa movie will serve as both a prequel and a sequel to Disney's live-action remake of The Lion King, with Rafiki (John Kani) telling Simba's (Donald Glover) daughter, Kiara (Blue ...
But trying to translate these classics from hand-drawn animation to live action while maintaining everything ... Take the part where Rafiki stands and lifts Simba. In reality, mandrills can ...
Disney released a new teaser trailer for the live-action “Lilo & Stitch” remake that references the original film’s trailers. The teaser, below, opens with clips from the live-action ...
Fespaco film festival in Burkina Faso gave Samantha Mugatsia the best actress award for her lead role in the film Rafiki. The Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) banned the film last year for ...
In the new live-action sequel, we met some of the "great kings of the past" first mentioned in the 1994 original. The story is told through flashbacks as Rafiki tells Simba's daughter Kiara about ...