Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray said on Wednesday ... The unemployed do not have a caste, but they are made to feel that caste, and they incite conflicts between castes.
There’s an increased attempt to import principles of Critical Race Theory (CRT) into the caste system. It’s propagated by a section of postmodern intellectuals and woke or liberal lobbyists.
In a heartfelt New Year message to his supporters and party workers, Raj Thackeray, the leader of ... Furthermore, he pointed out the reality of caste-based divisions being stirred, often leading ...
Raj Thackeray said he is still mulling over the ... “The unemployed do not have a caste, but they are made to feel that caste, and they incite conflicts between castes. The lives of all workers ...
January 23 marks the birth anniversary of the Shiv Sena founder, who brought a radical nativist sentiment to Maharashtra politics to earn the moniker ‘Hindu Hriday Samrat’ ...