Commonly known as the ring-necked or rose-ringed parakeet in reference to the band around the male birds' necks, Psittacula krameri is native to Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. To pinpoint the ancestral ...
Though they are not native to the UK, ring-necked parakeets are now so numerous here that they qualify as a common British bird. So how did this happen? Tales of how parakeets arrived in the UK ...
Every fall across the state, conservation workers release ring-necked pheasants, which are not native to the area. Being raised and fed in captivity before their abrupt release, the birds lack ...
Ring-necks are definitely a duck that enjoys being in a flock of other Ring-necks During its Autumn migration, Ring-necked ...
Winter adult: head and neck with fine dusky streaking ... can also suggest a first-winter ring-billed, but is much larger (not always easy to judge on lone birds) with stouter bill, dark brownish ...
DEC will release about 670 additional adult ring-necked pheasants this month on public ... There is a daily bag limit of two birds per day.