But through repeatedly asserting their treaty rights to fish, often through lawsuits and concrete action like protesting by fishing, Washington state tribes have kept salmon, considered sacred ...
“Despite legislation in Washington state that makes mislabeling of salmon illegal ... Administration has an inspection ...
Following a catastrophic net-pen failure and escape of at least 250,000 Atlantic salmon at Cooke’s Cypress Island facility in 2017, Washington state passed a law in 2018 banning Atlantic salmon net ...
Atlantic salmon sea net-pen farming has been targeted after some 263,000 invasive Atlantic salmon escaped last year when a marine net pen collapsed. After a lengthy debate, Washington State ...
Sometimes it has led to conflict, like during the salmon wars of the 1960s and 1970s. But through repeatedly asserting their treaty rights to fish, often through lawsuits and concrete action like ...
“More than two decades ago, the EPA and the state of Washington set limits on cyanide above what our precious salmon and orcas need to have any chance at survival,” said Ryan Shannon, a staff attorney ...
Northern Pikeminnow Sport Report Program aims to reduce the number of pikeminnow preying on juvenile salmon and steelhead ...