相比于SNVs和indels,SVs往往涉及更大范围的基因组重排,可能会影响到多个基因及其调控区域。以往的基因组研究大多集中于研究单个碱基的变异,如SNVs,它们与疾病的关系早已得到了大量的证实。然而,结构变异由于其较低的发生频率和复杂的遗传模式,长期以来在功能性研究中被忽视。研究表明,SVs在许多复杂疾病,尤其是癌症中扮演着至关重要的角色。例如,肿瘤的发生往往伴随着基因组的广泛重排,这些重排可能 ...
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past few years, you know next-generation DNA sequencing is all the rage. The technique has gone from gee-whiz to practically routine in the five years ...
Microarray platforms provide a method for 'global' ChIP analysis, but direct sequencing of enriched fragments has proven a more effective means for determining locations of DNA-binding proteins ...