The story follows a young boy named Mowgli, who lives with wolves in the Indian jungle. However, his life is in danger when the man-eating tiger, Shere Khan, searches for him. Mowgli's friends ...
The Jungle Book: Idris Elba's Shere Khan chases Mowgli in new TV spot The Jungle Book live-action movie reveals new TV spot Super Bowl 50: Jungle Book trailer leaps off the screen The Jungle Book ...
Living among the wolves in the jungle, young man cub Mowgli quickly learns to live life among his wolf pack and all the animals that inhabit the jungle, but when the villainous tiger Shere Khan ...
But life in a wolf pack is subject to the law of the jungle. The Council of the pack should decide whether Mowgli live among the beasts or eaten by Shere Khan.
Kaa helped Mowgli find the Iron Tooth in the abandoned cave. It happened just in time because the old enemy tiger Shere Khan raised havoc in the pack was going to overthrow Akela leader of the wolf.
Show more Raised by wolves in the Indian jungle, orphan Mowgli learns that the tiger Shere Khan has returned, and that he must find the 'man village' for his own safety and that of his animal ...