It's likely your symptoms are caused by scoffing mince pies or guzzling mulled wine - but they might also be early warning signs of type 2 diabetes. Conking out during the day might be a sign of ...
With an estimated 5.6million people living with diabetes in the UK, and cases continuing to rise, a doctor has warned of the risk of the condition at Christmas time, along with signs to look out for.
Though there are various types of diabetes (yup, there are more than two), the signs something is awry often ... is about 3.5 times higher in men with diabetes compared to those who don’t ...
The warning signs of type-2 diabetes may be detectable 20 years before ... who were aged between 30 and 50 and were mostly men. Insulin resistance occurs when cells of the body do not respond ...
The warning signs of diabetes can be so mild that you ... U.S. Ranks Third Globally for Diabetes, Men Most at RiskNew data shows that men are still more likely than women to be diagnosed with ...