I’m in Cupertino for WWDC this week, and after yesterday’s whirlwind of announcements and surprises, I had some time to sit down with my 12.9” iPad Pro, install iPadOS 17 beta 1 on it, and try the ...
Offered in the fall semester, this is a one-credit, pass/fail course that meets once a week. Stage Management Basics introduces students to the responsibilities and characteristics of stage management ...
Ever since I last wrote about iPadOS 16, I have continued using Stage Manager on my iPad Pro. As I wrote in October, I like the idea behind Stage Manager more than its implementation. Despite the ...
He plays drums and other instruments for artists. His background as a musician opened up opportunities for him in stage management. As he knows the stage from a performance point of view ...
Felix: I'm the stage manager of the BBC Introducing Stage. Load ins and load outs - it's about organising, trucking and the logistics of how the build goes. And then it changes when the show starts.
Need a cue? Call a stage manager. Need a line? Call a stage manager. Need a day off? Call a stage manager. Need a call time, a schedule, an inspection, a to-do list, a floor plan, a script ...
Sitting on a studio floor, Alexandra Basmagy, a corps de ballet dancer with American Ballet Theatre who has been with the company for over a decade, described hearing for years that the company ...