The Original Series produced its share of classic episodes, but the show's stars William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy have a ...
In a decades-old interview, Star Trek star William Shatner spoke about why his version of Captain Kirk speaks in that ...
Cast members of the television and movie series "Star Trek" reminisce about the making of the series and the films, and give their opinions on why the series has been so successful.
Our current situation and the hope that we can turn things around is, in Shatner’s view, part of why Star Trek‘s optimistic vision of the future feels as vital as it does. “The fact that ...
So, as he takes the Saturn stage once again, will Shatner revisit "Rocket Man?" Or perhaps another song from his repertoire? At 93, Shatner clearly still has it. And if he belts out "Rocket Man" again ...
William Shatner reveals to ET what it would take for him to return to 'Star Trek' and why he never truly watched the show. William Shatner is one of ET’s ‘TV grEaTs!’ The actor exclusively ...
Star Trek star William Shatner, who recently became the oldest man sent to space, will be serving as Mission Control in the upcoming competition series 'Stars on Mars'. The series will see a group ...