Some vacuoles have specialized functions, and plant cells can have more than one type of vacuole. Vacuoles are related to lysosomes and share some functions with these structures; for instance ...
There are many different types of cells in plants. Each type is specialised to do a particular role and ensures that the organism functions as a whole. The root hair cell has a large surface area ...
Because plant cells are immobile ... The PRIMER cells expressed a new transcription factor -- a type of protein that regulates gene expression -- called GT-3a, which is likely an important ...
Plant cells are organized in a rigid, static order resembling a brick wall due to their immobility. Plant immunity is very similar to the human innate immune system, which is the first round of ...
More than you might think: in 1886 Leo Errera noted that bubbles in soap resembled dividing cells. He thought the shape of the bubbles could predict where plant cells would divide, and by 1888 he had ...
The team isolated the chloroplasts from algal cells using a centrifuge and gentle stirring. Instead of then piercing the host cells’ membranes, as in earlier work, the researchers adjusted the culture ...
Because plant cells are immobile ... The PRIMER cells expressed a new transcription factor—a type of protein that regulates gene expression—called GT-3a, which is likely an important upstream ...