It can occur between species that are predator and prey ... an arms race adaptation is the potent poison in the skin of the newt Taricha granulosa, which is food for the garter snake.
The great crested newt lives only in Europe ... acrid-smelling substance to dissuade predators. Its other common name derives from the dramatic, jagged crest that males develop along their ...
The species in this group include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts. All can breathe and ... To warn potential predators, the most toxic amphibians are also the most brightly colored.
The newt exists only in Crater Lake, and its populations have plummeted in recent years because of warming lake temperatures and the expanding population of signal crayfish, a predator species ...
The Crater Lake newt is a subspecies of the more widely distributed rough-skinned newt. While the rough-skinned newt possesses a potent neurotoxin to deter predators, the Crater Lake newt is adapted ...