If you have a confidential PDF you want to password protect, you have a few ways to do that on your Windows 11 PC. You can ...
Looking for the best PDF annotation app for Windows, Mac, or iPad? Here are 10 options for you, reviewed in detail!
If you want to merge multiple PDF files into one, there are multiple ways to do that on Windows 11. You can use a free desktop app, a website, or run a command from Command Prompt to combine the ...
To convert WebP images to PDF files in Windows 11/10 system, you can use the following tools: Online2PDF i2PDF FreeConvert Pixillion Converseen. Let’s check all these WebP to PDF converter tools ...
Here is a full guide for you to crop PDF pages on Windows 11/10 PC. A lot of times, PDF pages have extra and unnecessary margins that you might want to remove. But how to do that? Well ...