Fifteen years after their first team-up in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman share the screen as Marvel's foulmouthed merc and adamantium-clawed berzerker for a proper two ...
Check out the latest news, pictures, articles and videos of Wolverine XMen. Our editorial team handpicks these articles on a daily basis just for you. Ahead of one of the biggest MCU films in ...
The last time that Wolverine had a solo game was all the way back in 2009 with X-Men Origins: Wolverine. A tie-in game to the film of the same name, Raven Software's single-player adventure was a ...
It appears Nightcrawler will have a presence in the series, reaching out to remind Wolverine of his humanity and family with the X-Men. Marvel is also teasing the involvement of an ancient villain ...