A man who spent thousands of dollars to 'become a dog' is now opening his own 'zoo'. Yes, you read the above line correctly: ...
These dogs that have been painted orange and black to look like tigers may look cute but critics have hit out at the zoo ...
Toco the YouTuber, from Japan, has opened up his very own zoo with a twist. At this particular zoo, the visitors will not be ...
A YouTuber who spent $14,000 on a hyper-realistic costume to “transform” into a dog has opened a zoo where people can become animals.
The zoo is being launched by Toco the human collie, a Japanese man who spent about $20,000 on a custom suit that “reproduces the appearance of a real dog walking on four legs,” the Post reported.
This is not the first instance when the zoo has faced backlash for its antics. Last year, it painted Chow Chow dogs white and ...
The poor dogs were filmed inside an enclosure at the Qinhu Bay Forest Animal Kingdom in China - a zoo that is said to have previously coloured dogs to look like pandas ...