At Apple’s media event yesterday, Apple unveiled a new high-end iMac that includes a Retina 5K display. Starting at US$2499 it includes the 5K display with a resolution of 5120x2880, a 3.5GHz ...
It is unlikely to be updated further and may contain duplicate or outdated information. The 27-inch iMac 5K was announced as a significant revision to the iMac line in 2014. The iMac has always ...
Look at a spec sheet for the 27-inch iMac 5K, iMac Pro, and the Studio Display, and you'll see nearly identical numbers. The only differentiator between them is the Studio Display has 600 nits of ...
Apple's iMac is perhaps the most iconic computer in the world, and the latest model is its best yet. It sports the latest M4 chip and some gorgeous colors, and now you can get one for your own desk ...