The unprecedented drop in tourism revenues left UNESCO marine World Heritage sites struggling to keep rangers on the payroll, prevent rising illegal activity or continue crucial scientific monitoring.
The property includes the mining sites of Almadén (Spain), where mercury (quicksilver) has been extracted since antiquity, and Idrija (Slovenia), where mercury was first found in AD1490. The Spanish ...
The 34,658 ha site, between the foothills of the Tequila Volcano and the deep valley of the Rio Grande River, is part of an expansive landscape of blue agave, shaped by the culture of the plant used ...
Pour figurer sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial, les sites doivent avoir une valeur universelle exceptionnelle et satisfaire à au moins un des dix critères de sélection. Ces critères sont expliqués ...
The sacred Mount Tai ('shan' means 'mountain') was the object of an imperial cult for nearly 2,000 years, and the artistic masterpieces found there are in perfect harmony with the natural landscape.
Many cultural and natural World Heritage sites are home to indigenous peoples. As the UNESCO policy on engaging with indigenous peoples recognizes, World Heritage sites are often located within land ...
The Tubbataha Reef Marine Park covers 96.828 ha, including the North and South Atolls. It is a unique example of an atoll reef with a very high density of marine species; the North Islet serving as a ...
This 16 th century aqueduct is located between the states of Mexico and Hidalgo, on the Central Mexican Plateau. This heritage canal system encompasses a water catchment area, springs, canals, ...
Haute de 80 m et longue de 2 700 m sur un front basaltique enjambant la frontière entre l’Argentine et le Brésil, la cataracte en semi-cercle au cœur de ce site est l’une des plus spectaculaires du ...
Filling in the questionnaire requires the gathering of substantial amounts of information. Hence, the time necessary to fill in the questionnaire depends on the availability and accessibility of this ...