The international group, including Nobel laureates, warn that mirror bacteria, constructed from mirror images of molecules ...
Number of mutations cannot determine safety of new GM plants. Testbiotech has published a new backgrounder summarising recent research showing clear evidence that the EU Commissio ...
“Unbelievable but true: If a GMO in food causes harm, the food sector would be held liable” – Wolfgang Ahammer, Oils For Life ...
Former chair Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP). Former Trustee of Sense About Science. Sat on Food Standards Agency's General Advisory Committee on Science.
GMWatch provides the public with the latest news and comment on genetically modified (GMO) foods and crops and their associated pesticides. GMWatch gratefully acknowledges donations from many ...
"A handful of biotech and pesticide corporations will reap the benefits and profits, while farmers, consumers and nature face significant risks and losses" – Friends of the Earth Europe ...
Does mention of allergen-free peanuts, striga-resistant cowpeas, salt-resistant wheat, beta-carotene rich sweet potatoes, and virus-resistant cassavas make you think of GM? If so, you've missed the ...
Spokesman for Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Monsanto-backed former civil rights group that now lobbies for industry and targets environmentalists.
Former vice president and biological secretary of the Royal Society and former president of the UK's Academy of Medical Sciences. Deeply involved in the attacks on Arpad Pusztai.
Established with a $70-million pledge from Monsanto, which also donated the Center's 40-acre tract of land, near Monsanto's own site in its home town of St. Louis, valued at $11.4 million. Other ...