This collection is inspired by fossils born and crafted uniquely from nature over time and how their appearance gives way to its provenance and history. This idea was translated into garments via ...
Today, microplastics can be found in our food, drinks, and air. On average, people unknowingly consume nearly 250 grams of microplastics each year. Sometimes microplastics can be so small they are ...
ARTS THREAD is the leading digital platform for emerging artists and designers, a launchpad for the next generation of creative talent representing 300,000 students in more than 130 countries from ...
‘Sunken Remnants’ is a cross-disciplinary contemporary, conceptual womenswear collection that is exhibitionist in nature. Rooted in Irish history, the work draws on the plight of Ireland during the ...
Italy is facing a water crisis. Puglia’s current hydrological system is poorly managed, with 42 litres of every 100 that travels through Italian Aqueducts being lost through network inefficiencies.
The aim of this case study is to harness the experiential power of data visualization by demonstrating the complex and dynamic intersection that exists among all spoken human languages and their ...
Chatham, once a united community thriving along The Medway, now suffers from diminished civic pride, identity, and employment opportunities, resulting in a divided town. The Historic Dockyard, once a ...
Bundle is the result of material-driven research into biobased composites in furniture design. Through extensive experimentation, we developed a stackable, lightweight mono-material chair by ...
The design envisions a pilgrimage though one point to the multi faith space through the physical act of pilgrimage creates a deliberate and intentional transition, crafted through architectural ...
I work on horror film sets as a makeup artist, specializing in blood, wounds, and bruising. At the same time, I do behind-the-scenes photography on set, capturing stills and documentation for the crew ...
In my final degree show each piece had its own individual story based on honest opinions experiences and mental anguish but as a collective it is was a diary of my mind, thoughts and emotions based ...
Nine jewellery pieces are in search of a rock opera. One neckpiece - the jewellerist, four necklaces, two bracelets and two slabbers are the noisy stars in the hierarchical opera that imitates ...