One U.S. hummingbird species truly hunkers down for the winter, and that’s the Anna’s Hummingbird. In the early 1900s, they ...
At marshy ponds from Mexico to Panama, this odd shorebird is common. Its long toes allow it to run about on lily pads and ...
Birds are always up to something, and these entries captured an array of avians doing everything from impaling prey to ...
Common in the American tropics, the Ringed Kingfisher was considered rare north of Mexico until the 1960s. It is now found commonly along the lower Rio Grande, and locally elsewhere in southern Texas.
A common seabird off our Atlantic Coast, seldom coming close to shore except during storms. Often forages in flocks. Commonly feeds around fishing boats, fighting over scraps and offal, seemingly ...
Dr. J. Drew Lanham is a professor of wildlife at Clemson University, where he holds an endowed chair as an Alumni Distinguished Professor and was named an Alumni Master Teacher in 2012. His research ...
Audubon delivers essential news, advice, and reporting on birds and bird conservation. Pairing compelling journalism with stunning photography and design, each quarterly issue helps readers grow their ...
A denizen of the arid southwest, the Lesser Nighthawk flies low over deserts and grasslands at dusk, capturing insects in flight. Very similar to the more widespread Common Nighthawk, but it is a much ...
Feeding birds makes you happier. It's a scientific fact—one that folks who already provide food for birds know well. Birds can provide countless hours of entertainment. But as much fun as they are to ...
A small hawk, common in eastern woodlands in summer. Staying around the edges of forest, Broad-wings are often not very noticeable during the breeding season, but they form spectacular concentrations ...
In woods of the Pacific Coast and the Southwest, this little vireo hops about actively in the oaks. The bird bears a surprising resemblance to the Ruby-crowned Kinglet (which is often more common in ...
Showing a sincere respect for birds and the places they need to thrive must come before getting that perfect photo or footage. Here’s how to capture bird photos and videos responsibly. The first ...