US retail giant Walmart has launchedof pilot programmes with a start-up producing non-GMO natural dyes from agricultural ...
Founded in 2006, Ecotextile News is the environmental magazine for the global textile and fashion industries and provides ...
SINGAPORE – Shein claims to have developed a new ‘innovative’ chemical polyester recycling process that uses both pre-and ...
Chinese company claims new AI-powered technology for sorting blended materials will overcome a bottleneck in the textile recycling industry ...
Peru-based apparel brand Paka is to set up a new charitable foundation which will see a portion of its total annual revenue ...
Womenswear label Ganni aims to replace ‘over 20%’ of its annual virgin and bottle recycled polyester with Ambercycle's regenerated fibre.
Extended' project aims to establish a blueprint to combine textile recovery, recycling, waste-valorisation and data technologies.
US efforts to curb apparel imports made with forced labour, goods produced with forced labour may still be entering the US supply chain ...
The US has outlined how its recent and future trade policy is working towards ending forced labour in China's biggest cotton region.
Proposed changes to the de minimis rules in the US will help ease the burden of dealing with rapidly growing e-commerce volumes ...
TSURUOKA – A group of 13 companies from across the fashion and textile supply chain, including Stella McCartney, Marzotto ...
The garment and footwear industries show promise and face challenges in the global push for living wages and incomes, a new report suggests.