As consumers, we receive a lot of information about the food we eat. Every day, we are bombarded with both accurate and misleading information about the benefits or risks (or sometimes both!) of ...
Stärken sind komplexe Kohlenhydrate, die in Grundnahrungsmitteln wie Brot, Nudeln, Kartoffeln, Reis und Couscous enthalten sind. Bei einer ausgewogenen Ernährung sind stärkehaltige Lebensmittel unsere ...
To develop to our maximum potential, it is vital that children and young people have nutritionally sound diets. Diet and exercise patterns during childhood and adolescence may contribute to the ...
Quasi tutti gli alimenti vengono in qualche modo trasformati prima di essere mangiati. Anche le verdure fresche dell'orto vengono prima pulite e tagliate. Per cominciare, la trasformazione ha reso gli ...
Food additives don’t have nutritional value, but they are added to food in small amounts to serve a specific function. Some, like preservatives, stop bacteria or mould from spoiling your food, so that ...
EUFIC kann Sie mit einer gezielten Kommunikations- und Verbreitungsstrategie unterstützen und so Ihre Chancen auf eine Finanzierung im Rahmen von Horizont 2020 oder einem anderen international ...