Katrin Tietz ist Maschinenbauingenieurin und leitet die mechanische Fertigungswerkstatt des Helmholtz-Zentrums Berlin für ...
Kein Tag vergeht ohne Neuigkeiten zu Künstlicher Intelligenz. Auch in der Onkologie können sich Ärzte künftig bei Therapieentscheidungen unterstützen lassen.
Die Vereinten Nationen haben das Jahr 2025 zum Internationalen Jahr der Quantenphysik ausgerufen. Anlass ist das ...
Shaping a sustainable future for Europe depends on collaborating in research. With its mission to address some of the grand challenges for research and society, Helmholtz is dedicated to European ...
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin HZB focuses on two topics: On the one hand, researchers are investigating materials for energy conversion and storage, such as solar cells, batteries and catalytically ...
Unser Tipp: Entspannt ankommen – nachhaltig reisen. Buchen Sie jetzt den Best-Preis der Deutschen Bahn! Das Extra für Sie als Besucher! Ihr Veranstaltungsticket zum bundesweiten Festpreis, von jedem ...
From A for astrophysics to Z for cell research: The scientists at our 18 Helmholtz Centers work on numerous highly complex topics. Together, we want to contribute to solving major and urgent questions ...
Helmholtz President Otmar D. Wiestler calls for an even stronger alliance between science and industry – which would require e.g. the strategic bundling of research and innovation in a single federal ...
How can we succeed in storing electricity in large quantities and in as small a space as possible in the long term? The Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS) is working on this key question of the ...
Doctoral students face special challenges. We support them with key competency training. This English-language qualification program, which is specially designed to meet the needs of doctoral students ...