Both of them were discovered in 1609 in the foundations of the façade of the church of San Pietro, Rome. M(atri) d(eum) m(agnae) I(deae) / et Attidi meno/tyranno ...
Flavius Antistianus was a prominent figure in the Roman Mithraic cult. He held the distinguished title of pater patrum, suggesting his considerable influence and authority within the Mithraic ...
This marble altar was found ’in the street called di Branco’, behind the palace of the Cardinal of Bologna, in Rome. Deo / invicto / Mithrae / C(aius) Lucretius ...
Son of the patriarch of the Olympius saga, of senatorial rank, who for at least three generations watched over a Mithraic community in the 4th century Rome. Aurelius is the son of Nonius Victor ...
This monument, now lost, was discovered in the 16th century, probably on the site of Sublavio statio. D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / et Soli soci/o sac(rum) Valen/tinus ...
This relief of Mithras as a bullkiller was found in Golubić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, near a cementery. Aure/lius / Ma/ximus /Pant[a]die/[nus].
The altar that now stands in Split was dedicated to Invincible Mithras for the health of a dear friend. D(eo) inv(icto) Mlithrael / L(ucius) Corn(elius) Apalaus/tus ...
The v in this small altar found in Novaria has been interpreted by some commentators as qualifying Mithras as victorious. [S]acrum Soli / Mit[hr]ae numini / v... inviet(o) deo / [v]isu iussus / Aelius ...
Son of Aurelius Victor Augentius, grandson of Nonius Victor Olympius, and elder brother of Emlianus. He built temples for worship around 382-383.
The very military Septimius Severus was undoubtedly aware of Mithras. An inscription mentions a ’chaplain’ in the imperial household responsible for Persian worship: sacerdos invicti Mithrae domus ...
Sabinus may have been the grandson of Antonius Caecina Sabinus and the son of Rufio Caeionio Cecina Sabinus. He may have been the Sabinus introduced by Eutropius to Quintus Aurelius Symmachus and the ...
The name of this domus comes from the fact that some authors once associated one of its mosaics with the cult of Mithras, a ...