A young candidate who narrowly lost his bid Tuesday for the District 17 House of Representatives seat has already set his mind on the 2006 state legislative race. Despite not winning a seat to ...
Just like the stealth warrior, Ninja stays hidden off of Alma School Road near Ray Road. Ninja will please sushi lovers and doubters alike. If diners arrive with an empty stomach, choose the ...
Despite outcries for action against alleged misuses of power, nothing much will change at the ASU Student Health and Wellness Center. A summary of an investigation into the center -- done by Phoenix ...
This football season brought an unspoken appreciation for the underdog team that was the Sun Devils. Staff and fans alike helped to bolster school spirit and improve game day moral in a plethora of ...
The largest mural in Tempe is now being created by muralist and local artist, Aztec Smurf. Smurf is painting a giant Gila Monster, a lizard native to the valley, across a 50 x 55 ft. wall of The Mark, ...
A lottery may be the only chance students have to get tickets to the Oct. 13 presidential debate hosted at ASU. The nationally-televised debate will be the third and final one before Election Day, and ...
ASU has seen its fair share of alumni go on to the national spotlight, from Jimmy Kimmel to Barry Bonds, but the next ASU student to hit it big won’t be entering a draft any time soon. Shanice Jordyn ...
I am writing to inform you that precious space is being thrown away in every issue of The State Press. I spend a lot of my time on campus and enjoy reading The State Press as a way fill in some of my ...