说起《射雕英雄传》,你会想起哪首歌?可能是《世间始终你好》,也可能是《一生有意义》《四张机》,但一定少不了《铁血丹心》。1月25日,春节档电影《射雕英雄传:侠之大者》发布“铁血丹心”版预告,片子的BGM正是罗文和甄妮合唱的粤语歌《铁血丹心》。当熟悉的旋律和声音响起时,唤醒了无数人心中的童年回忆。武侠DNA动了,江湖味回来了! 伴随着歌曲《铁血丹心》旋律响起,一句“依稀往梦似曾见,心内波澜现,抛开世 ...
春节将至,国内各大城市的春节主题网络宣传正如火如荼铺开,尽情渲染热闹喜庆氛围和地方烟火气。作为历史文化名城的佛山,如何利用这一节庆热点做好网络宣推,提升城市品牌力和影响力?1月22日,佛山市委网信办指导“纷享佛山四季风”工作团队举办2024年网络文化 ...
I've got nothing against this highly efficient format, since it takes up less space than JPG and its compression helps power Live Photos and Apple’s excellent image post-processing. But it can ...
The size of the validation dataset is around 40K images. The name of a image file is like: v_0_42_104_.jpg, which means v_VideoNumber_FrameNumber_CtuNumber_.jpg. You can use the VideoNumber to find ...
Be more independent. Help bring programs like Independent Lens to your PBS station.
This guide explains how to structure and publish your Balatro mods in the Balatro Mod Index repository. Follow the instructions below carefully to ensure your mod is properly added.
LANDI Global proudly announces the launch of the Cx20 terminal, our flagship next-generation smart Windows Desktop POS. Engineered for businesses that seek advanced technology and refined design, the ...
Your resolution should be 1920x1080. No matter how strong your computer is, you do not need to run this game in 4K. Do not run it in 4K if you want the highest possible FPS. Make sure your display ...