Ask most horror fans about the genre’s best decade, and the overwhelming majority will likely agree that it’s the 1980s. With the VHS boom raising the demand for low-budget scary fare and the slasher ...
While there are great songs all over movies from the '80s, there are few that had the cultural impact as Public Enemy's ...
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especially the best movies of the 1980s, there’s a legacy of films that could now be seen as rather problematic. And in making this list of such titles, our intent is not to dogpile on films ...
The 1980s were a glorious decade for horror films, heralding the rise of slasher franchises and an influx of European oddities and creative indies, with the uncertain energy of the times summoning ...
The films of the 1980s are like that. For example: "Three Men and a Baby" was the top grossing movie of 1987. How? It was 1987 and people were wearing seventeen Swatches on their right arm ...
There aren’t as many 1980s movies on Netflix, so we had to dip into the early 1990s to fill out this list. The good news is that two of the latest additions, The Sting and Schindler’s List ...
You rarely see these films on cable anymore, because the resonance they had during the Cold War is gone, and it's hard for anyone who didn't grow up with them to relate. In the 1980s, audiences ...
The films that appeared on the list became the DPP 72, an infamous collection of cult horror movies curated by moral outrage. In new 1980s-set Irish comedy-drama Video Nasty on BBC Three ...