But when northern glass frogs wake up and hop around in search of insects and mates, they take on an opaque reddish-brown color. “When they’re transparent, it’s for their safety,” said ...
The northern glass frog, which ranges from southern Mexico to Ecuador, even conceals its blood to render its body more translucent, hiding nearly 90 percent of its red blood cells inside its ...
This photo provided by researchers in December 2022 shows a glass frog, strict leaf dwelling frogs, that sleep, forage, fight, mate, and provide (male) parental care on leaves over tropical streams.
Cricket frogs can’t walk (or hop) on water like once thought. Their bodies sink below the surface between successive jumps, researchers report in the November Journal of Experimental Biology.
In field studies, a US expert studied the glass frog (Sachatamia orejuela), which is found on slippery rocky surfaces near the water. Video footage reveals a male specimen showing off with a ...